“We will give your old obsolete IT a new purpose!”
We will revive and redistribute it, where it brings a new value.

What are the benefits
Our services create value for hardware asset owners, for new users of those assets as well as for the environment and our Planet. It became clear that a faster move towards sustainable and responsible way of living is necessary and every drop matters. Join us on that journey. What our services brings to you?
Improved your ecological footprint
Achieve higher ESG rating
Decrease your OPEX
Lower your risk of losing sensitive data
Increase reputation amongst all your stakeholders
Generate value for you
Access to fully tested and 100% working HW
Get advice on type of hardware best fitting your needs
Have wider access to high end technology
Have improved chance of employability via better education
Achieve increased productivity and competitiveness
Get higher wealth and standards of living
Lower the speed of e-waste production
Safeguard the Planet from further mining
Decrease the CO2 emissions via lower speed of new IT production
Protect human labor from the exposure to the dangerous chemicals during illegal recycling
Lower the migration flows via creating employability in developing countries
Why does this matter? E-waste challenges:
CO2 pollution
Production of laptops only has same CO2 impact yearly as the entire airplane industry (with its more than 100th flights every day). 300 million laptops and 1 billion cellphones are produced yearly and it is sharply increasing.
Exploited labor
Informal and often illegal e-waste recycling industry employs millions of mainly women and child labor, who work in extremely dangerous environment exposed to all the chemicals. An average wage is needy $ 1.5 per day!
Landfill pollution
85% of e-waste ends up in the landfill, especially in poorer countries and creates huge exposure to nature. E-waste contains as many as about 1000 chemicals (including lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.).
Fastest trend
E-waste is the fastest growing waste type in the world. In 2022 there were estimated 62 million tons of e-waste produced globally. This represents about 1.000 laptops every second.
Mining new space
$ 60 million is a value of gold in thrown cell phones in the US per year, for which thousands of square meters of land must be newly mined. Cell phones are often replaced every 2nd year, which is way too short replacement rate.
Heavy production
Production of a new laptop takes about 85% of its CO2 impact, the rest of life the residual 15%. Most of the companies replace laptop after 3-4 years though life of the laptops is about 2x longer. One laptop in total represents about 300 kg of CO2.
Contact Us
We will be happy to get connect with you to discuss how can we help you, either as an owner of IT assets or someone who has a need for the same.